Saturday, August 8, 2015

#WeWriWa Snippet for August 9 2015

Holy Cow! It's been a long time since I participated in the WeWriWa. This summer has been so busy I wasn't confident I would have enough time to jump to other participant's blogs and read their snippets.

For anyone who might not be familiar with the WeWriWa blog hop, it's pretty simple. There's just WeWriWa list, and they have to post a limited amount of sentences, no more than 10, on thier blog. See what I mean! All things should be so easy!
two rules: participants have to post a backlink to the

I'm jumping back in with Pig-in-a-Poke, a short story I wrote for The Chocolate House-All for Love-Anthology. This snippet is the first scene told from heroine, Letty's, point of view.

“You've made a mistake.” Letty Malleson tugged at the edges of her damp cloak, over lapping one over the other in an attempt to shield herself from the brisk wind and frosty air. She narrowed her eyes at the numbskull livestock broker standing before her and resisted the urge to stomp on his foot. “How do you plan to correct the error?”
Nathaniel Brice crossed his arms over his barrel chest and blew out an impatient breath. “All the information is in place and I assure you, it’s accurate.”
     “No. Impossible.”

The Chocolate House-All for Love-Anthology is a collection of 6 different historical short stories that were written by 6 different authors. The stories are connected by The Masqueraders Chocolate House which is located in Bath. The book is currently available via Amazon. All proceeds go to charity. Feel free to download your copy today!


  1. Nothing more immovable than an adamant man!
    Nice dynamics, Jess.

  2. Hi Jess. Welcome back. Feisty woman, immovable man, already I love this snippet.

    1. Thanks. It feels like I've been away forever. I missed everybody!

  3. I had my arms crossed over my chest until I read about Mr. Brice's posture.
    Then I dropped my arms to my side. :-)
    Nice 8!

  4. Great to see you here again, Jess! Great excerpt, you can't help but get interested in these two and what made her so angry. It's so cool that you're in this anthology :-D :-D

    1. Thanks! The anthology was a fun and educational experience. I'm really glad I had the opportunity to take part!

  5. Stinkin' man, just realize she is right and you are wrong and get off your high horse already!! Good snippet!

  6. Oh dear, sounds like a bad situation shaping up! Nice to see you posting again, enjoyed the snippet, can't wait for more.

  7. Wonderful descriptive work. Love it

  8. Now I'm suddenly craving chocolate. Wonder how that happened. lol. Great excerpt, and love the title of the anthology! :)

  9. Two tough customers. Who will back down first?

  10. Oh yeah, she's a feisty gal! :-) Your snippet draws the reader in. Nicely done!

    I'm so glad to see you posting again. :-)

  11. Perfect little snippet- I could visualize her wrapping in trying to protect herself and I could feel her annoyance.
