Sunday, February 14, 2016

WeWriWa Post 2/14/16

Happy Valentine's Day!

After a long hiatus, I'm back with another snippet from my short story, Pig in a Poke. The remainder of the story can be found in The Chocolate House-All for Love-Anthology.

Take some time to check out the rest of the WeWriWa snippets! You'll be glad you did.

Hysteria bubbled in Letty’s chest, and she sensed an invisible noose tighten around her throat. She shook the papers she held. “It cannot be correct.”
“Letty.” Her grandfather turned sightless eyes in her direction. “Hold tight to your temper, child. Mister Brice did the job requested of him and has paid us. Now it’s time to return home.”
Letty bit back the urge to scream. “He’s not providing payment. He's

cheating us.”


  1. Wonderful visual, Jess. Good use of the senses. I could hear the papers shaking!

    Welcome back!! :-)

  2. Strong excerpt. I was telling her out loud to explain exactly what's on those papers! Sure glad to see more writing from you, and hope you're able to participate more. We've missed you :-)

  3. Glad you're back! Great snippet- I can sense her frustration.

  4. How is she going to fix what's wrong if no one is on her side?

    Welcome back!

  5. So happy to see you posting a snippet :) And a highly dramatic moment at that!

  6. Hi Jess! Great to see you as part of WeWriWa, after Six Sentence Sunday! Poor Letty! I hope she is able to get this matter resolved.

  7. Her frustration leaps off the page. Great snippet!

  8. Welcome back. And with a great snippet.

  9. So glad you're back. :) Great imagery here. The tension speaks loud and clear.

  10. I wonder what she knows that her grandfather doesn't?
