Saturday, April 2, 2016

Weekend Writing Warriors 4/3/16 #WeWriWa

I'm back with a snippet. I'm hoping that I've worked out my April schedule enough to post this entire month, though I've thought that before only to have my plans knocked asunder.

Anyway, I'm posting from a short story I wrote called Pig in a Poke, which was published in The
Chocolate House-All for Love-Anthology. This snippet picks up where the my last posted snippet stopped. Thanks for swinging by my blog and don't forget to check out the rest of the talented authors participating in this week's blog hop.

“Miss Malleson!” Brice drew himself to his full height and puffed out his chest, the movement reminded Letty of the small rooster she owned. “I’ve done no such thing. The butchers paid market value for your hogs. I took my commission. The amount listed on the banknote is your grandfather’s share.”
Letty took a deep breath, held it while she silently counted to three, and released it in one long whoosh. “I was assured that, provided they were in good shape after being driven here, the compensation I’d receive for my hogs would be substantial.”


  1. Haha! I love the visual of the small rooster. We had bantams when I was growing up. I pictured him poking out his chest and crowing at her. lol Good snippet, Jess.

  2. Excellent visuals, Jess!
    "I took my commission"- hmm!

  3. Excellent visuals, Jess!
    "I took my commission"- hmm!

  4. I'm guessing the commission had something to do with the less than substantial sum she's getting. Love the rooster analogy!

  5. Missed you, Jess. Charming story. His commission ,in deed!

  6. Interesting conversation. I like that she stands up for herself and what's right. Great snippet!

  7. Fun snippet. I predict his commission is about to be recalculated.

  8. I find myself believing he didn't cheat her, rooster posing aside. I wonder what went wrong, or if his commission is unfair, after all.

  9. Love the comparison to a rooster. The image informed everything he spoke to her with an aura of puffed up flummery and self-importance.

  10. LOL! What a fun excerpt! Sure glad to see you posting again, and will keep my fingers crossed that you can post all month!

  11. I'm curious whether the commission is correct or not. You've given Brice just enough credibility that even though he's puffed up, I'm not sure he's lying. Great voice for this.

  12. Ooh, two confident, determined characters. I like that in a story.
